Planning and Zoning Approval Process

The Town of Deerfield provides a straightforward approval process for building and development projects.

Step 1 - Building Inspector
The first step is to contact Richard Pelletier, the Town’s Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer at the Town’s Building Department at 603-463-8811. The Town staff is equipped to provide accurate information regarding land use questions and guidance through the building, planning and zoning process. In most cases, the Building Inspector can provide the necessary information about the planning process and all the information necessary to obtain a building permit.
Step 2 - Town Planner
If the proposed project involves a subdivision, multifamily, or nonresidential development, please contact Jane Boucher, Planning Board Administrator at the Town office at 463– 8811 to schedule a meeting with Contract Town Planner, Sylvia von Aulock, or Regional Planner, Cameron Prolman.  Sylvia typically has office ours on Tuesday morning between 8:00-9:00. Sylvia or Cameron can also be reached at Southern NH Planning Commission’s office, at 669-4664. Sylvia can provide the applicant with information related to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and Site Plan Review Regulations, all of which are online on the Town’s website. For a subdivision, the applicant will require the services of a NH licensed professional land surveyor. For a nonresidential development or change or expansion of use, the applicant will require the services of a professional engineer.
Step 3 - Planning Board

Informal meetings with the Planning Board are encouraged before the submission of a formal application for subdivision or site plan review. Subsequent to an informal meeting, and after all the required information is available and provided on the plan and accompanying documentation, the applicant can submit a formal application to the Deerfield Planning Board for the Board’s review and approval. For a proposed commercial and industrial uses, the owner / applicant should review the Town of Deerfield’s Commercial / Industrial Flexible Overlay District, Section 212 of the Deerfield Zoning Ordinance (DZO). For major subdivisions and nonresidential developments, the Town’s consulting engineer, Keach - Nordstrom, reviews, at the applicant’s expense, the plan for technical compliance with the Town’s zoning ordinance and land development regulations.

If the proposed project is not in compliance with the DZO, the owner / applicant will likely need a special exception, area variance or use variance and should contact Jane Boucher to receive an application and schedule a public hearing with Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The Town’s DZO, Subdivision Regulations and Site Plan Review Regulations are online at the Town’s website. The Town Building Department is located George B. White Building, 8 Raymond Road, NH Route 107, Deerfield, NH.

Contact List:

Peter Schibbelhute, P.E., Chair
Jane Boucher, Secretary
Sylvia von Aulock, Town Planner
Deerfield Planning Board
P.O. Box 159
Deerfield, NH 03037-0159
Tel: (603) 463–8811

Rick Pelletier
Building Inspector
Town of Deerfield
P.O. Box 159
Deerfield, NH 03037-0159
Tel: (603) 463–8811

John Harrington
Town Administrator
Town of Deerfield
P.O. Box 159
Deerfield, NH 03037-0159
Tel: (603) 463–8811