Conservation Commission Article 23

Conservation Commission


Article 23



Article # 23          Shall the town vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 36-A:4-a, I(b) to authorize the conservation commission to expend funds for the contributions to ‘qualified organizations’ for the purchase of property interests, or facilitating transactions related thereto, where the property interest is to be held by the qualified organization and the town will retain no interest in the property? [Sic] (Petition Warrant Article)





Deerfield routinely contributes funds to land conservation projects sponsored by qualified groups (such as land trusts), and is currently required to hold an executory interest in a property when town funds are used towards a conservation easement. Holding an executory interest makes the town the backup easement holder for a conserved property which comes with certain responsibilities. By adopting Warrant Article 23, the town will have more flexibility in determining when holding an executory interest would be in the best interest of Deerfield. Rather than being a requirement, the town could decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether Deerfield would benefit from holding a legal interest in the property, or if it wished to forego holding a legal interest in order to avoid potential stewardship and financial responsibilitiesThere is no tax impact for Deerfield residents if this warrant article passes.

Explaination of Article 23