Where do I go & what do I bring to the shelter?

The Town will announce the exact location of the shelter. It will most likely be the Deerfield Community School; it has a generator and plenty of space. However, depending on the disaster location, Deerfield has three alternate sites: the Deerfield Community Church, the George B. White Building and the Deerfield Fire Station.

The shelter provides meals and overnight accommodations with a cot and blanket. You should bring a pillow, extra blanket, some toiletries and clothes. If you have children, bring their favorite toy or book! Bring your prescription medicines and a list of meds. If you need special medical equipment, bring it with you and/or notify the Fire Department of your need to bring it to the shelter. (Note the style & serial number of medical devices & include operating information and instructions.) Don't forget your medical insurance card (& Medicare card), along with your key financial information. Finally bring a list of names and contact numbers of your support network and your medical providers.