Property Appraisal

Property Appraisal Division

The Property Appraisal Division oversees the Assessment Review and Equalization bureaus and has the responsibility of:

  • Monitoring revaluations and revaluation contracts
  • Timber and Gravel Excavation Assistance
  • Assessing Standards, Current Use, and Equalization
  • Standards Boards' administrative assistance
  • Reporting on a variety of assessment information - individual municipal and/or statewide levels

Assessment Review (Certification) Bureau:

Reviews the assessing practices of each NH municipality over a five year cycle to ensure compliance with applicable statutes and rules in the context of the Assessing Standards Board's Guidelines on Assessing Practices.

Equalization Bureau:

Equalization is the process of equalizing local assessed values for each NH municipality in order to bring the values to 100%. The equalization process includes compiling assessment data, conducting ratio studies, and preparing statistical reports.